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Welcome to my world

Some writers blog and write about the ‘real world.’  While others prefer just to write fiction.

There’s nothing wrong with either choice – it’s all words, sentences, paragraphs and pages.

It’s up to the individual writer to decide how we order these words and which world we describe with them.

Of course, much of fiction is drawn from life – whether we know it or not. Little bits of our secret selves leak into our writing and informs, sometimes dictates, our stories.

Stories are what it’s about. Non-fiction, news, or fiction it’s still about stories. Sometimes the edges around fiction and fact blur and that’s another story.

The world is a whirling mass of stories. Writers reach out, grab one and tell. Some stories grab us.

But, what many writers know is that most stories have been told before, or at least some versions of them.

Does that mean there’s no such thing as original?

No, because stories have an infinite range of possibilities, characters, settings, plots and theme.

Who has been keeping count?

Unless we have read every story ever written and have lived forever we have no way of knowing the final count.

To know the final story is to be the final story and that’s not a story we want to know.

In the meantime we write and when we write we add ourselves, our experiences, to the range of possibilities.

As far as I know nobody has proved the existence of doppelgängers so since we are each unique the range of possibilities can only expand.

As for me, well, like anyone else, I have access to television and Internet so sometimes the real world makes its own demands.

To be honest, much of the real world drives me nuts but I don’t have any power, so I write.

Welcome to my blog.

Best wishes


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